My Biography

Hi, I'm Dr. Rajendra Solanki

I Doctor Rajendra N Solanki, Consulting Radiologist at Suyog Imaging Centre, Mehsana which is high-end Technological Equipment Diagnostic Centre in Entire North Gujarat.

Our Aim & Mission For The Society To Provide High Quality Diagnostic Service in The Field of Radiology.

I am Associated With

Rewards & Honours

1) Won the rising star in radiology trophy in CT fest Mumbai held in grand Hyatt for best paper presentation in competition category
2) Won the best research award in scientific poster competition category at national level in cochlear imaging.
3) Won the best oral presentation award in RCRT & RST held in Bangkok, Thailand in 2013 on congenital cochlear anomalies.
4) Elected as governing body member of Indian college of Radiology & Imaging (ICRI) for the year of 2017-19.